Saturday, August 31, 2013


Tried to make the plane more eco-friendly (as one of my goals is to design eco-friendly planes one day) by increasing the scale factor of wings, rudder, horizontal stabilizer, and propeller so the engine could use less energy while in flight.

Monday, August 19, 2013


Here is one of my edited designs (I'm sorry I do not have the original form, I forgot to save it. Although you cannot really see the difference of the designs...) It is the MIG 21, a jet fighter aircraft. To give you a quick summary of what kind of "war plane" it is, it was the most produced supersonic jet in aviation history. It started being developed in the 1950s and was a successful Soviet aircraft.
For more info:

And my design:

Aviation Designs

One of my new hobbies lately is to edit other peoples' designs of planes. It may sound odd at first but it is actually really fun- similar to solving a puzzle. It makes you think about how a plane really works, and how you could improve it. Right now, I am only at the step of studying other people's designs, but soon I think I will try designing some myself.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

National Geographic

A little earlier, I was looking for a good website without annoying ads, viruses, and most important- wanted news articles about space with proof. This is when I found out that National Geographic had not only worldwide news articles, but a whole section about space. I always had interest in National Geographic magazines, and believe that the articles have definite proof. So, if you are looking for a good website about outerspace, I would definitely recommend National Geographic.
The link is below: